First Day

Kiana’s Room

The morning light trickled into the room, casting a soft glow over the sleeping figure of Kiana, who was buried under her cozy blankets, completely lost in her dreamland. Her peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by her mother, Shikha Kapoor, who was vigorously shaking her daughter in an attempt to wake her.

“Kiana, get up fast, or you’ll be late for college!” Shikha urged, her voice filled with urgency. But Kiana barely stirred, her stubbornness to leave the comfort of her bed prevailing.

Shikha sighed, exasperated. “What am I going to do with this girl?” she muttered to herself, glancing around the room for inspiration. Her eyes suddenly lit up with an idea.

“Kiana,” she called out, her tone deceptively sweet, “I made your favorite pav bhaji for breakfast. If you don’t get up now, we’ll eat all of it.”

In a split second, Kiana shot up from bed, her eyes wide open. The magic words had been spoken. Without another word, she darted towards the washroom, the promise of food fueling her every step.

Shikha chuckled, shaking her head. “I’ll be downstairs. Come fast!”

“Okay, Mom!” Kiana’s voice echoed from the washroom, filled with excitement.

Kiana’s POV

I couldn’t help but grin at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Today is the day! My first day of college. But what’s making me even more excited is that I’ll be studying in the same college as my crush—Shanaya’s elder brother, Atharv. I know, I know, it’s against the unspoken rule of never dating your best friend’s sibling, but what can I do? The way he talks, the way he walks—I’m completely smitten.

“Kiana!” My mother’s voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to reality. I quickly rinsed my mouth and rushed downstairs.

Living Room

As soon as I stepped into the living room, I was greeted by my ever-annoying elder brother, Rishab.

“Look who finally decided to join the land of the living! Our lazy queen,” he teased, a smirk on his face.

“If I’m lazy, then you’re dumb,” I shot back, narrowing my eyes at him.

“You… I’m not going to let that slide!” Rishab jumped up from his seat, ready to chase after me.

“Catch me if you can!” I taunted, darting around the table.

“Both of you, stop it!” Our father, Prakash Kapoor, intervened, his voice stern but filled with affection. “And you, Rishab, stop irritating my princess.”

I stuck out my tongue at Rishab, who rolled his eyes and reluctantly went back to his seat. My father is my biggest protector, even though he’s a high-profile businessman. When he’s with us, he’s just a regular dad who dotes on his children. I know I can always count on him to have my back.

I took my seat at the breakfast table, eager to dig into the delicious pav bhaji.

“Kiana, today is your first day of college. Don’t be nervous; everything will be fine. And if you have any problems, you know where to find me,” my father said, giving me a reassuring smile.

“Thanks, Dad,” I replied, returning his smile with one of my own.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Shanaya.


“Hey, Kiana! I’m outside, waiting for you. Hurry up!”

“I’m coming!” I hung up and turned to my parents. “Shanaya’s here. I need to go.”

“Take care, beta,” they said in unison, watching as I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

Outside the House

As soon as I stepped outside, I spotted Shanaya’s car parked in the driveway. I hurried over and slid into the back seat, my heart pounding in anticipation. Shanaya was sitting in the passenger seat, and to my surprise—and horror—it was Atharv in the driver’s seat.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him. He was just as handsome as I remembered, maybe even more so. For a moment, it felt like the world had stopped spinning, and it was just the two of us in our own little bubble. I quickly glanced at the rearview mirror and caught him staring at me, his gaze intense, as if he could see right through me. Panicked, I looked away, focusing on the passing scenery outside the window.

“I’m so nervous, Kiana. How about you?” Shanaya asked, breaking the silence.

“Me too, Shanaya,” I mumbled, barely able to get the words out. My nerves were getting the best of me, and I was too shy to say anything more in front of Atharv.

Shanaya turned to look at me, her concern evident. “Are you okay, Kiana? You sound so low.”

“No, I’m fine. Just nervous, that’s all,” I said, my voice shaky. I dared another glance at the mirror, only to find Atharv still staring at me. His gaze was so piercing, it made my heart race, and I could feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

Before long, we reached the college. The moment the car stopped, I practically leaped out, grabbing Shanaya’s hand and dragging her along with me. I needed to put some distance between us, or I was sure I’d faint from the overwhelming tension.

“Kiana, what’s the rush? You didn’t even let me say goodbye to Atharv bhaiya!” Shanaya complained, looking back towards the car.

“Oho, we’re already late, and you know your goodbye would take forever. I don’t want to get scolded on the first day for being late,” I said quickly, hoping to avoid further questioning.

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go!”

College Canteen

After a few hours of classes, Shanaya and I had already made a couple of new friends. Now, we were sitting in the canteen, chatting and laughing together.

“Maya, what would you like to have?” Shanaya asked one of our new friends.

“Let’s try the pizza. I’ve heard it’s really good here,” suggested Shreya, another friend.

I was about to add my thoughts when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, surprised to see Sahil standing behind me. He had been my classmate since the 11th grade and had confessed his feelings for me back in school, but I had politely turned him down, explaining that I liked someone else. Ever since, he had been persistent, which I found increasingly irritating.

“Hey, Kiana! We’re in the same college now!” Sahil said with a wide grin, clearly pleased with himself.

“Yeah, that’s great,” I replied, forcing a smile.

“Kiana, can we talk in private?” he asked, his tone a bit too eager.

No way, I thought to myself. “Actually, I’m with friends right now, so maybe another time,” I said, trying to keep things polite.

Sahil’s expression darkened. “What the heck, Kiana? Can’t you see how much I like you? Why do you keep ignoring me?”

His sudden outburst caught me off guard, and I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. “Look, Sahil, I’ve already told you—I don’t like you that way,” I said firmly, trying to keep my voice steady.

“No, I don’t accept that. You will be my girlfriend,” he declared, grabbing my wrist tightly and trying to pull me away.

Panic surged through me, and I was about to protest when, suddenly, Sahil was yanked away from me and thrown to the ground. I gasped as I saw who it was.

Atharv stood there, his eyes blazing with fury. “How dare you touch her?” he roared, before delivering a punch to Sahil’s face that sent him reeling.

The scene before me was both shocking and surreal. Atharv, usually so composed and calm, was now beating Sahil mercilessly, his anger radiating off him in waves.

“Atharv, stop!” I finally found my voice, stepping forward to pull him back. “Please, stop!”

He hesitated, breathing heavily as he looked at me, his eyes still filled with rage. But slowly, he stepped back, letting go of Sahil, who was now groaning on the floor.

“Don’t you ever come near her again,” Atharv warned, his voice low and dangerous.

My heart was pounding, and I couldn’t believe what had just happened. What did this mean? Why did Atharv react like this? I was left with a whirlwind of emotions, unable to process the situation.

End of Kiana’s POV

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A student , a working lady and a person who likes to write